Update: Sò Anne - Anette Auguste 

News HaitiAction.net

Sò Anne
Anette Auguste

Emergency Action Alert
Demand the immediate release of Anne Auguste (So Anne)
Haitian singer and Lavalas activist arrested on Mother's Day

© 2003 Kim Ives - Sò Anne and her choir singing at the 2003 PPN Congress

Statement of Annette Auguste from prison - May 23 2004

The Violent arrest of So Anne by U.S. Marines Haitians Seized Abused by U.S. Marines - Women, Children Subjected to Hood Treatment - The troops forcefully covered the heads of eleven Haitians with black hoods and then forced them to the lay face down on the ground while binding their wrists with plastic manacles behind their backs - May 12 2004

©2000 Michelle Karshan - Demonstration in memory of Jean Dominique
at Radio Haiti Inter April 3, 2000
- Sò Anne participated in demonstration outside Radio Haiti Inter to protest the murder of Jean Dominique the day before.